Chief guest at induction ceremony of All India Institute of Ayuveda Goa

Honourable Dean of the Goa Medical College, Dr. Shivanand Bandekar was invited as a chief guest for induction ceremony Of All India Institute of Ayuveda Goa, the second batch of BMS students. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Bandekar said that the ancient wisdom, Of people of this country where the medicine’s cured many people from most of the diseases. It is important that we become beacon of knowledge of Ayuveda. And develop this tradition of medicine in a scientific way, For certain diseases where the other form of treatment does not succeed, it was a great honor to be a chief guest. On this occasion and share our experiences of Alopathimedicines in certain illnesses. It was also stated that both should work together and become more patient centric. So that the chronic diseases can be taken care with Ayurveda and certain diseases can be treated by alopatic medicine.

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